Classes kindly sponsored by J Grennan & Sons and the Irish Vendéen Sheep Society.
Senior Ram:
1st Andrew Gilmore (Valley View Vendeen's)
2nd Ciaran Coughlan (Noggus Vendeen's)
Shearling Ram:
1st Brendan & Carmel Rooney (Moneygold Pedigree)
2nd Cheryl & Conor O'Brien (Quitrent Vendeen's)
3rd Shay Kennedy (Windy Gap Vendeen's)
Ram lamb:
1st Ciaran Coughlan
2nd Cheryl & Conor O'Brien
3rd Brendan & Carmel Rooney
4th Cheryl & Conor O'Brien
5th Andrew Gilmore
Senior Ewe:
1st Cheryl & Conor O'Brien
2nd Cheryl & Conor O'Brien
3rd Ciaran Coughlan
4th Joseph Cannon (Timolin Vendeen's)
5th Brendan & Carmel Rooney
Shearling Ewe:
1st Cheryl & Conor O'Brien
2nd Andrew Gilmore
3rd Brendan & Carmel Rooney
4th Ciaran Coughlan
5th Ciaran Coughlan
Ewe lamb:
1st Cheryl & Conor O'Brien
2nd Cheryl & Conor O'Brien
3rd Brendan & Carmel Rooney
4th Ciaran Coughlan
5th Ciaran Coughlan
All-Ireland Champion Group of three:
1st Cheryl & Conor O'Brien
2nd Andrew Gilmore
3rd Ciaran Coughlan
Cheryl & Conor O'Brien (Shearling Ewe)
Reserve Champion:
Cheryl & Conor O'Brien (Senior Ewe)
Congratulations to all prize winners and thanks to all of our breeders who exhibited.